Women We Love: Katharine Dever


Katharine and Catherine have been besties for years and together they have grown together and closer as sisters. For over 20 years Katharine has worked with clients from every corner of the globe to help them to turn their desires into reality, using her knowledge of digital business blended with her intuition and background as a reiki master & spiritual life coach.
A speaker, writer, and intrepid explorer, she has ushered in the transformation of many breakthroughs and creations through her 1-1 consulting, courses, books, and international retreats. Through The Eden Room, she brings the benefits of her knowledge and experience to empower an even wider audience of women in the comfort of their own homes. We spoke to Kat to find out how she got started in personal development and growth, what she considers is a fulfilled life, and what her daily affirmations are.

What do you consider a satisfying and fulfilled life?

I love the word satisfaction and fulfilled so I love this question! It feels so good to me. What makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled? It’s going to be different for each of us, but for me I feel satisfied when I am present. Showing up for me and my children is first and foremost- that often looks like slowing down and taking time to really ‘see’ what is here. Breathing and connecting. The most mundane moments can become magical when we are fully present with them, looking into the eyes of the other, noticing the touch of a hand in yours, tasting the food, even feeling the suds of the washing up. Life can be full of satisfaction. I have to say I really love it when I see my children or my clients achieve a dream, it fills my heart with joy to see manifestations come to pass and I’ve been blessed by what I do to have front row seats to many miracles so I have a lot of faith and courage, which I think are key ingredients for satisfaction and fulfilment!

What are your current daily affirmations?

I am calm
I am safe
I am creating the abundant life of my dreams every day

How did you get started in personal development and growth?

As a child I was extremely curious and friendly, and had mystical experiences from a very young age including what I called at the time ‘flying with God’. Luckily my parents just rolled with my mad little ways and let me be, I then entered the World of spiritual development when I trained in massage during my ALevels at aged 18. From then it was a rollercoaster of awakenings and trainings, and meeting soul family- including lovely Cat who I met in a post office in the noughties when she was sending off her very first collection. We chatted for hours outside that post office that day in London, just flying from having met a kindred spirit!

If you could give your 20 year old self some advice, what would it be and why?

My advice to her would be to trust herself. I really needed someone to tell me in my 20s that I wasn’t crazy. Back then if you were into meditation, spirituality, juicing etc you weren’t on trend, you were  a freak. My family spent most of my 20s worried I’d joined a cult so I’d probably just give her a hug and tell her she’s actually on the right track and to keep on believing in herself!

If you had a superpower what would it be?

I feel I am pretty lucky that I do have a superpower! I can see things for people and recently have started seeing peoples animals in spirit which is really fun. But if I could choose another it would for sure be teleportation, especially these days with all the heat (heavy) travel stuff. 

What is your fondest memory of personal development?

There’s been a few! I’ve been very fortunate to share the stage with some legendary men and women in the space and had dinners, lunches, trips with some of the greats because I was always plonked in these mind bending scenarios by the Universe.
There was a time in my early 20s where I was on stage with Tony Robbins and he anchored me into a peak state in my life- There was another girl on stage mirroring me and I was remembering the joy and euphoria i felt when I achieved a dream at 19 of going to the Sydney Opera house (big deal for a girl from the UK countryside) Anyway, when I opened my eyes the girl mirroring me had gone into fully body orgasms! There was a crowd of thousands watching so it was pretty nuts afterwards as hundreds of people thanked me for the experience and I just found it all really funny.

How often do you meditate?

Every day in some shape or form, I am just about to launch a mediation app which I am super excited to share.

Are you an early bird or night owl?

Definitely a night owl except that now I have kids I have to get up and do the school run! But left to my own devices I’d be up late every night if I could! I love the quiet when everyone else is ‘offline’ in the ether!

Tell us more about what your goals are?

I don’t really have goals anymore but I always intend that I’m aligned and living the Divine plan for my life. I intend health and happiness for me, my family and our human family. I really ask that we use the current challenges to expand and evolve in a quantum way- I have such a good sense about what is possible for 2022

What advice would you give women for 2022?

Trust yourself, be Sovereign. 
Visit Kat's website  www.katharinedever.com for more information on all this love and development that she can offer. Join her community today x